You Are Invited to Become a Part of CSIM
We would like to personally invite you to visit Christ Sanctuary International Ministries in Kampala, Uganda. We are seeking partners; people and organizations with a desire to share their time and skills.
Christ Sanctuary International Ministries (CSIM) is a worldwide organization with its primary emphasis on imparting Christianity and life skills to people in Africa. The CSIM USA division is registered in Oregon as a non-profit corporation, 501(c)(3). We are dedicated to assist schools, farms, clinics and ministry in Uganda and South Africa.
We invite you to come and visit Africa and stay as long as you would like. You can work in the area of your expertise. I guarantee it will be a life changing experience.
CSIM began as a small fellowship meeting under a tree on a hill in Kireka, outside of Kampala Uganda. An area with an unemployment rate in excess of 70% and where there were few vocational training programs available. The need to equip people with skills quickly became evident to founding Pastor Tucker Nsubuga Walugega so he created the CSI Business and Training Center. I met Pastor Tucker in 2001 and have been instrumental in shipping four containers full of tools to provide jobs and training for the people in Africa. They currently have seven churches, five schools, two farms, a gymnasium, dog training and security business, a catering business, a clinic, a hair salon and beauty school.
The “Imparting of Life Skills Program” is a unique opportunity for people from the United States to share their knowledge and skills with the people of Africa. We want to invite people to come to Uganda to share their skills and be a part of our “One Dream One Team”. You can come by yourself or bring a group.
Visiting Uganda
Here is a list of frequently asked questions and if you have any other concerns please email me at
One of the Missionary Guest Houses on our grounds
Does everyone traveling need a Passport?: Everyone, regardless of age, traveling to Africa will need a valid US Passport. All of the information is provided at the US Government website: This site will help you to find the nearest location to apply for a passport and will give you the passport fees. It takes 4-6 weeks to receive your new passport book.
What immunizations will I need? Check with the health department or your personal physician to find out which immunizations are recommended for travel to Uganda.
What do I need to do to protect myself from Malaria while in Africa?
Bring anti-malarial medication as well as a good mosquito repellent like Sawyer’s Premium Controlled Release.
One of the Missionary Guest Houses on our grounds
What clothing should I pack? Women should wear skirts or dresses, any modest length is fine. Men can wear jeans, shorts or slacks. You will want to bring Church attire for Sunday’s. Bring a good pair of walking or tennis shoes and a pair of sandals. It is customary to remove your shoes before entering houses. You may also want to bring flip-flops or slippers for wearing indoors. A light sweater or jacket is a good idea for cooler evenings or in case of rain.
What airport do I fly into? You will make your own travel arrangements to fly into Entebbe, Uganda (EBB). There are direct flights to Amsterdam from many US cities, the flight is about 9 hours from the West Coast. You might consider staying over in Amsterdam to break up the trip. Then the next flight is into Entebbe, Uganda which takes about 8 ½ hours.
Do I need a VISA? Yes, upon arrival at the Entebbe airport you will buy a VISA in order to enter the country. This will cost $100 in cash.
How do I get to CSI once I arrive at Entebbe Airport in Uganda? CSI has comfortable vans with certified drivers who will pick you up when you arrive. Once you get your VISA and collect your bags proceed to the exit and CSI staff will greet you and help you load everything into the waiting van.
Where will I stay? CSI has two Guest Houses with comfortable and safe accommodations located on Kireka Hill in the suburbs of Kampala. They are walking distance to the main CSI Church campus, clinic and school. Both guest houses have running water, flush toilets, and comfortable beds with mosquito netting. One of the guest rooms has a hot water heater for warm showers. A “hot pot” is available to warm up water for rooms without the water heater. Both guest houses have safe bottled water.
Do they have electricity? Yes, there is electricity at the guest house, school, clinic and church. However power outages in Uganda are common so bring a flash light, which is also useful for walking between the campus and guest house after dark. You will also need a converter to charge your phones, computers or other devices.
What is the weather like? Temperatures average in the mid-70’s to mid-80’s in the day, with evenings dropping into the 60’s. Because Uganda is so close to the equator there is very little seasonal or time difference. They really only have two seasons: rainy or dry. Global weather change has affected the timing of these but traditionally rainy season is March to May and October to January.
Is Uganda safe? You can access any current safety bulletins issued by the State Department at During your stay at CSI you will be accompanied by a CSI staff person everywhere that you go. It is very safe and they are very protective of all guests.
Is the area of the Guest House safe? Yes, both guest houses have secure fences which are locked. At night they both have guard dogs to patrol the grounds.
What and where do I eat? Your accommodations at the guest houses include breakfast and dinner. Great care is taken to provide healthy nutritious meals with many fresh vegetables and fruit along with rice, beans and meat purchased from a Western style market. The meals are delicious, healthy and filling.
Is the water safe to drink? Bottled water is provided at the guest houses. I suggest you bring a water bottle to fill to take with you every day. Also use the bottled water for brushing your teeth.
What will you do while you’re there? This is ultimately up to you. Every American has skills that are valuable and that can be shared. Examples of areas that you might consider helping include:
What else is there to see and do in the area? Your CSI hosts will be glad to take you into Kampala to see the city, the Craft Market, the produce market or the Uganda Museum. You could visit the Baby Home and play with and hold orphans. You might want to visit the Equator or the Source of the Nile in Jinja. You can also purchase tickets to see authentic Ugandan dance and music at the Ndere Center. There is a zoo in Entebbe and nearby you can feed the monkeys at the Imperial Botanical Garden. If you want to explore more of Uganda you can work with The CSI tour and travel business will be glad to give you options to travel around the beautiful country of Uganda and possibly even extend your travel to South Africa. Take a look at their website
For more inquiries, please write me at
Carol Woody,
President CSI-USA
Uganda’s climate is tropical. This means it is generally rainy (particularly during the months of March to May, September to November), while the remaining months (December to February, June to August) comprise Uganda’s two dry seasons.
Temperatures average in the mid-70′s to mid-80′s in the day, with evenings dropping into the low 60′s. Because Uganda is so close to the equator there is very little seasonal difference. The seasons are really two– rainy or dry. Global weather change has affected the timing of these though. When the rains do come, it will usually rain very hard for an hour or two, then the sun will come back out.
Traffic jams- this is characteristic of traffic in and around Kampala city especially during the morning rush hour (about 7:00- 9:00 am) and the evening hours (4:00- 7:00 pm). You may get stuck in traffic during these periods of time for any amount of time ranging from a few minutes to an hour in extreme cases. You may consider scheduling your travel times in such a way as to beat the traffic.
Power outages- you may face power outages occasionally or for extended periods of time. You are requested to prepare yourself for these with a flashlight kept handy in the evenings.